Influence of application of Cyproconazole+Thiamethoxam on growth of seedlings Coffea Canephora Pierre Ex A.Froehner
In order to assess the influence of the cyproconazole + thiamethoxam, into the soil, the growth of clonal coffee conilon comprising clonal cultivar 'Vitória Incaper 8142'. The experiment was conducted in pots and under greenhouse conditions. We used a completely randomized design with factorial distribution of 13x2 with four replications, being the factors: 13 clones that comprise the clonal cultivar 'Vitória Incaper 8142'; treated and untreated with cyproconazole + thiamethoxam. Evaluated conditions, the seedlings of all clones were lower and varied symptoms of phytotoxicity, influenced by the application via soil cyproconazole + thiamethoxam.
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