Effect of growth media on biological properties in strawberry plants
The aim of this research was to study the effect of different growth media on the microbiologic characteristics in rhizosphere of strawberry plants in closed soilless growing systems. We used 3 substrates: composted cork and rice hulls (CC) (1:1 v:v), peat (P) and coir fiber (CF). Chemical variables and microbial community profile of the growth media were evaluated. The CC showed a higher pH than CF and P. At the beginning and at two and a half months after transplantation, copiotrophic bacteria, Bacillus sp. and oligotrophic actinomycetes were higher in CC than in P. At the beginning and at two and a half months after transplantation fungi were higher in P than in CC. At two and a half months after transplantation, in CF copiotrophic bacteria, fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. and fungi were higher in rhizosphere than in non-rhizosphere substrate.