Teaching integrated pest management and phytopharmacology in Polytechnic School of Agriculture in Beja
The teaching of integrated plant management (IPM) has been, since 1986, part of the curricula of training Polytechnic School of Agriculture in Beja (PSAB). It presents the evolution of the curriculum changes of syllabus of different courses that have been and are currently taught at PSAB. They refer to the courses in which these matters are the subject of study, with particular focus on the relative weight of these units will have in the curricula of the courses, including the adequacy of courses to the Bologna model. In parallel, reference is made to the evolution of teaching Weed management at PSAB. Teaching Phytopharmacology as an area of study related to crop protection is a recent area of education in the institution, as part of the curricula of the two Masters degreeswhich PSAB has created and startedin recent years.