Exchange of plants between West Africa and America in the 15th and 16th centuries discoveries


  • José Eduardo Mendes Ferrão



On Discoveries of 15th and 16th centuries, which the East Spices were the main target, the Portuguese went south searching for path between the Atlantic and Indian Ocean; the Spanish went to West, both of them conditioned by division of Pope concerning discoveries or conquests realms. The Portuguese went through African Coast reaching Cape Verde. Knowing the Northern Hemisphere Alisian winds, they went southwest to Brazil, returning to Angra de Santa Helena, near the Cape of Good Hope. The connections between the African East Coast and America were intensified due to the slavery needed for the farming activities on the American colonies of the Europeans: Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch and English. From the West Coast of Africa, were introduced in America a variety of plants that the salves used to consume in their homelands, corn zaburro, palm oil, yams; and more industrial ones: coconuts, ginger, bananas and sugar cane, these not of African origin, had already been introduced. Contrary, from America to Africa West Coast, were introduced: cassava, sweet potato, chilies, tomatoes, maize, tobacco, yams, pineapple, several fruits, and later, coffee Arabica and cacao, shady trees for both cultures and physic nut and Mauritius hemp. About these plants, are presented some notes as this interchange was made.


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