Morphology and soil fertility in semiarid production areas


  • Raimundo Fernandes de Brito
  • Miguel Ferreira Neto
  • Nildo da Silva Dias
  • José Simplício de Holanda
  • Raniere Barbosa de Lira
  • Jonath Werissimo da Silva Gomes



The objective of this study was to investigate the soil fertility as tool relative agricultural aptitude in rural production areas located on the Chapada do Apodi, RN, Brazil. Information about study area was carried out using maps, on-site visits and collection of soil samples. Soil samples were taken from three layers (0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm) to physical-chemical attributes assessment according with partitioning area and profiles characteristic of the soil. In addition, the parameters of land use and occupation, relief and vegetation in the area studied were recorded. The analysis results indicated that the soils of region are alkaline, shallow, moderate to imperfect drained and, they derive from calcareous with greater representativeness under Savanna vegetation. Soils had a reaction neutral to alkaline, high concentration of calcium and exchangeable magnesium and, low concentration of phosphorus. It has great agricultural aptitude for the crops as corn, beans, castor beans and cotton (Cambisol, Chernosol, Vertisol), However, soils with lithic contact in top layers suggest agricultural cultivation of pasture or preservation.


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