Perception about consumer's knowledge and confidence in transgenic products


  • Maria Isabel Ribeiro
  • Catarina Couto
  • Renata Ribeiro
  • Sónia Silva



Since the 90s of the last century, the production of transgenic products has been intensified with the expectation to improve existing varieties or to develop new varieties, more robust, with higher quality and more profitable. This study aimed to understand the knowledge and confidence of the population from Bragança city on the transgenic products. To achieve these objectives, it was developed a quantitative and descriptive study based on a random sample consisting of 280 individuals living in Braganzas county aged between 18 and 88 years old. More than half of respondents (60.4%) claimed to know what are transgenic products and only 31.4% consumed this type of product. Most respondents preferred to buy conventional products (60%). A significant part of the respondents stated that they are willing to buy these products since they are more nutritious (50%) or cheaper (11.8%). On the other hand, respondents considered that the existence of these products on the market can improve the populations quality of life (46.8%) and, therefore, they recognized the importance to develop further research in this scientific area (51.1%) to have more information available (86.4%) enabling the consumer to make a more informed and conscious buying decision. Considering the divergences in the scientific community about transgenic risks to the environment and to human health, 41.1% of respondents considered that these products should be banned and only 20% believed that biotechnology already provides sufficient security guarantees. It can be concluded that consumers do not consider themselves well informed about transgenic products and, therefore, when they buy food products, they prefer to buy conventional products because, in their opinion, the risk is lower. Once biotechnology can offer benefits for the sustainable revenue, increase of food production and economic prosperity, it is essential to inform and to educate the consumer about transgenic products.


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