Monitoring and control indoor air quality in school offices
An Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring and control system was built and tested with the purpose of evaluating its viability as technical solution to improve the IAQ conditions within school workrooms. The system has the ability to monitor CO, CO2, relative humidity and air temperature and also incorporates a dynamic ventilation mechanism able to regulate the IAQ levels as a function of CO and/or CO2 levels. The system was tested in three separate and distinct spaces. In each space were performed four experiments over about an 8h workday each and under different ventilation conditions - without ventilation, with natural ventilation, air insufflation and air extraction. In the first two experiments, the system was just used as monitor and in the last two as IAQ monitor and controller. The experiments showed that the studied spaces were poorly ventilated. It was also shown that the built system coupled to a fan with a nominal flow rate of 93 m3.h‑1 was suitable for assuring enough ventilation to maintain adequate indoor air quality, without requiring any human intervention. No substantial differences between air insufflation and extraction were found, but air insufflation was slightly more effective.