BISIPORC - Extensive production of Bísaro pigs in two alternative systems: fattening with concentrate vs. chestnut. Preliminary results of carcass and meat characteristics
Pork production of Bísaro breed - despite the increasingly important role it plays in northern Portugal, especially in family farms of transmontano Northeast – the knowledge of production system, food management, use of regional food resources and its influence on the final product quality, control and factors that influence growth and body development, quality of carcasses and meat produced and of course the skills of their meat to the technological transformation - is still incipient.
Thus, the exact knowledge of production systems in its different components is of fundamental interest to ensure the production of products which meet the requirements from the processing to the consumer. In this sense, the main objective of BISIPORC project was to study the production of Bísaro breed pigs in extensive grazing and finished in two alternative systems: Fattening and finishing with a specific concentrate; Fattening and finishing with specific concentrate and chestnut.
The first results of characteristics of their carcasses, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of its meat are presented