Carbohydrates content in 'Ubá' mango tree submitted to different doses of paclobutrazol


  • Girlaine Pereira Oliveira
  • Dalmo Lopes de Siqueira
  • Paulo Roberto Cecon
  • Luiz Carlos Chamhum Salomão



The use of paclobutrazol in mango tree is very widespread in the tropical regions, since they play an important role in promoting flowering, allowing production to be staggered. In addition to flowering, paclobutrazol may influence other characteristics, such as size, carbohydrate concentration and change in the green color on the leaves.The work aimed to study the possible relationship between vegetative characteristics and carbohydrate concentrations in mango plants 'Uba' submitted to different doses of paclobutrazol (PBZ). In April 2014 the PBZ was applied in mango trees Uba, conducted in factorial arrangement (5 x 2) + 1, being 5 paclobutrazol doses (0, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50 and 2.0 g (ai) per linear meter of tree top) with and without tip pruning branches. The design was randomized blocks with four repetitions and to each block was added a control treatment that has not received any of the treatments described above. It were evaluated length and diameter of the first and second budding flow, SPAD and leaf contents of starch and total soluble sugars, which samples were taken from the swelling period of gems (time 1) and 60 days after full bloom (time 2). Pruning increased growth of the first budding flow. There was no difference in the diameter of the branches in the growth of the second budding flow and SPAD. The PBZ did not affect the growth of the branches and the intensity of the green color, but changed the proportion of carbohydrates in mango trees Uba.


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