Performance agronômica e correlação linear entre componentes de rendimento da soja em segunda safra
Soy is the main summer culture established in Brazil. Currently the soybean crop is increasing in the second harvest, in this sense it is necessary to know the contribution of the characteristics to grain yield in the different environments in condition of second harvest. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, in a 2 x 8 factorial design, being two cultivation environments (Salvador das Missões and Tenente Portela) and eight soybean genotypes with indeterminate growth habit (BMX Elite, NS 5959, NS 5909, BMX Alvo, BMX Potência, BMX Tornado, BMX Turbo, BMX Garra). With the exception of yield components that differed among genotypes, the number of legumes with three grains, thousand-kernel weight of legumes with three grains presented stronger and positive linear trends with the yield of grains. The genotypes NS5959, BMX Potência and BMX Turbo obtained the largest total grain mass, with the greatest contribution of thousand-kernel weight of legumes with two and three grains. Finally, it is possible to affirm that, regardless of the analyzed environment, traits that contribute most to grain yield are unchanged.