Impactos do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) no Estado da Paraíba


  • Severino Félix UFPA
  • Armando Lírio de Souza
  • Ricardo Bruno Nascimento dos Santos
  • Maria da Conceição Pereira Ramos



PNAE is of great importance in the economy of Brazilian states, including Paraíba. This research seeks to analyze impacts on Gross Value Added (GDP) from variables such as: government transfer to municipalities, related to PNAE, spending of municipalities with the aforementioned program, permanent and temporary municipal production, and also, livestock production - milk production. To accomplish this objective, an econometric Panel Data model was used. Estimates have shown that simply passing on resources is not enough to have a positive impact on agricultural GDP. It was expected that investment in the purchase of food from the agricultural producer would be necessary to generate positive impacts. However, the estimates did not show impacts even with the spending of Federal Government resources. This scenario may occur due to the poor participation of the agricultural sector in the Paraíba’s GDP, also due to the lack of better management planning, as well as the lack of more rigorous supervision by the competent agencies. Nonetheless, investment in the production of temporary and permanent crops contributed positively to the dynamics of local economies. Likewise, livestock production has a positive impact on Paraíba’s Agricultural GDP, probably due to milk distribution programs to the needy population, by the State Government.

Key words: Family Farming, School feeding, Panel Data, Economic Impacts, PNAE.


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