Determinação de atributos físicos do solo em solos arenosos por meio de Georadar


  • Marcio Rocha Francelino Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Viviane Flaviana Condé
  • André Thomazini
  • Manoel Ricardo Abreu Albuquerque
  • João Hebert Moreira Vianna
  • Flavia Cristina dos Santos



The central region of Brazil is its current agricultural frontier, with rapid expansion of soy, coffee and cotton crops under sandy soils. One of the major management challenges for this type of soil is the reduction of its low natural fertility and maintenance of humidity. This work had the objective of evaluating the applicability of the use of Soil Penetration Radar (GPR) in the determination of attributes of sandy soils in the central part of Brazil. The study was carried out in the southeastern state of Bahia, in an area of ​​flat relief and under pasture. Two complete profiles were sampled, whose samples were analyzed chemically and physically. The reading was performed in transects with lengths over 500m. GPR equipped with a 400 MHz antenna was used. The Topp, Ledieu and Condé equations were applied to determine the gravimetric humidity from the dielectric constant values ​​obtained from the radargrams. It was observed that these are deep soils, without physical impediments and that there is an increase in humidity in depth.


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