Agronomic potential of bean lines for seed quality and grain yield




A large portion of the bean production in Brazil is carried out by family farmers, who perform the rescue of seeds on their properties. Thus, the objective was to investigate the behavior of bean genotypes maintained by farmers, considering seed quality and grain yield characteristics. Two tests were performed. One in BOD and other in field. Ten treatments were evaluated, formed by eight beans lines and two commercial cultivars. In a controlled environment, a completely randomized design was used, and random blocks were used for field. The variables evaluated were germination percentage (GER), radicle length (CPR), stem diameter (DC), thousand grain mass (MMG) and grain yield (REND). Analysis of variance and estimates of genetic values ​​were performed. The variation analysis indicated significance of the treatments for variables. Significance reflects the presence of variability between genotypes. Through the estimates of genetic values, it was possible to observe which genotypes promote increases in the phenotypic mean. The lines differed from the controls for the variables MMG, DC and GER. Thus, two lines maintained by farmers have an agronomic potential similar to commercial cultivars, and thus are alternatives for cultivation in local agriculture.


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