Impact of inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense associated with nitrogen sources in corn culture


  • Marcelo Stefanello Brondani Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Campus Frederico Westphalen
  • Claudir José Basso Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Campus Frederico Westphalen
  • Eveline Ferreira Soares Soares Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Campus Frederico Westphalen
  • Mateus Júnior Rodrigues Sangiovo Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Campus Frederico Westphalen
  • Eduarda Vargas de Souza Leandro Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Campus Frederico Westphalen
  • Lucas Gaviraghi Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Campus Frederico Westphalen
  • Marcelo Silveira de Farias Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Campus Frederico Westphalen
  • Antônio Luis Santi Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Campus Frederico Westphalen



Nitrogen fertilization in corn is a factor of great impact on production costs, due to its importance in crop yield. In this way, poultry litter and nitrogen-fixing bacteria can be alternative management strategies to supply the demand. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the impacts of the inoculation of the bacterium A. brasilense associated with poultry litter and mineral fertilization on some plant parameters and on the final productivity of corn grains. The experimental design used for the randomized blocks, with 8 treatments and 8 repetitions, being the treatments constituted as follows: T1 – Control, T2 – A. brasilense, T3 – 100% N-mineral, T4 – 100% N-mineral + A. brasilense, T5 – 50% N-mineral + 50% N-organic, T6 – 50% N-mineral + 50% N-organic + A. brasilense, T7 – 100% N-organic, T8 – 100% N-organic + A. brasilense. For the parameters of plant and final productivity of corn grains, the use of the mineral source and mineral and organic association increased greater increments when compared to the source only organic. The inoculation with A. brasilense did not influence the impact parameters.


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