Edaphic Characteristics of Olive-growing Areas in Northeast Portugal: an approach based on soil and land use maps


  • Renecleide Viana dos Santos
  • Felícia Fonseca
  • Ana Caroline Royer
  • Zulimar Hernandez
  • Paula Baptista
  • Tomás de Figueiredo




The olive tree is currently the crop that occupies the largest agricultural area in Portugal and the exploitation of its fruits is of great socio-economic importance. There is little information available on edaphic conditions in areas cultivated with olive groves in Northeast Portugal and how they influence the distribution and development of the crop. Thus, this study aims to contribute to the updating of existing information through the identification of the main soil and climate characteristics of the olive growing areas in the Region. The basic information for the study included as main sources the Land Aptitude Charter of NE Portugal, the Land Use and Occupation Charter and the Official Administrative Charter of Portugal. The olive grove covers approximately 105 thousand ha in NE Portugal and is the crop that occupies the largest agricultural area in the Region. Soils under olive groves are generally shallow, stony, acidic and poor in organic matter, most of which are located on sloping terrain. Olive trees are well adapted to regional soil and climate conditions, but it is necessary to implement alternative practices that promote better management of orchards, for which it is important to deepen knowledge of the soils of olive groves.


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