Carbon loss in plants residues: effect of initial (bio)chemical characteristics


  • João Ricardo Sousa
  • João Coutinho



The management of soil organic matter, through the application of crop residues, implies the knowledge of the respective decomposition and mineralization process, in order to provide important information, in terms of the release of nutrients to the crops and in the humus yield, for the maintenance soil fertility and quality. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the processes of decomposition of different plant residues, through the respective estimation of the dimension and dynamics, based on the adjustment of the negative exponential model of one pool. The results revealed significant differences for the parameters C0 and kC, with the values varying between 270 to 661 g/kg and 0.008 to 0.027 day-1, respectively, following the decreasing order: Trem, Pt, Rm and Fvid= Fcast=Fmac. Significant correlations were observed between the initial (bio)chemical quality of the materials and the C0 and kC, with the indicators of Csol (r2 0.977***) and Len (r2 0.969 ***) of the vegetal residues revealing the more robust results in estimation of the dimension and dynamics of C loss processes. These results reveal the need to integrate more efficient indicators in the evaluation of decomposition/humification processes, in order to make the application of organic residues more eco-frendly.


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