O comportamento do consumidor português face à segurança alimentar
Food is a basic necessity of all human beings, but the relationship between consumers and food safety can be compromised due to their lack of food literacy. While food safety is everyone's responsibility, consumers do not always take this into account. Thus, the present study analyzed the behavior of Portuguese with regard to food safety, comparing two time moments. The investigation was descriptive, with the collection of quantitative data through a questionnaire shared on the Internet over a period of 5 months (June-October 2019), replicating the Study of Toscano in 2006 and comparing them. The results made it possible to know the evolution of the Portuguese consumer's connection with food safety as well as to understand the importance it assumes in its day-to-day, through the analysis of its level of knowledge and concern and the evaluation of the influence of food labels, allowing to highlight the main changes that have occurred since the situation in 2006.