IPMwise, el sistema de ayuda a la toma de decisiones para la gestión integrada de malas hierbas, ya está disponible en 6 países europeos
Driven by political action plans in Denmark, initiated in the 1980ies and aimed to reduce dependency on pesticides, one output was a ‘decision support system’ (DSS) for integrated weed management, which has the product name ‘IPMwise’. From 2016 to 2019, an ERA-NET C-IPM project was carried out in Denmark, Germany and Spain to develop the DSS in those three countries. Results from field validation trials show that the cost/TFI of herbicides was reduced by 20-50% as compared to ‘local best practice’ treatments. The EU registration process for PPP’s is based on “agroclimatic zones”. Based on this, the DSS IPMwise has been released since autumn 2022 in Italy and Portugal, where the optimization of cost/TFI is the same as in the Spanish version. IPMwise is now in the process of expanding to other countries in Europe because the DSS fills the gap between the weed infestation maps and the generation of variable rates spraying maps in order to achieve real precision weed control.