Evolution of soil salinity in Roxo’s irrigation district


  • M.C. Gonçalves
  • N. Castanheira
  • M. Farzamian
  • A.M. Paz
  • T.B. Ramos
  • C. Alexandre




Soil salinity was evaluated, in different soils and irrigated crops, in Roxo’s irrigation district from May 2019 to May 2021. Ten experimental sites were selected, with almond groves, olive groves, citrus and pomegranates installed on AL, LV, RG, PL and VR soils (WRB 2014). The studied cultures had different tolerances to soil salinity. Soil samples were taken at different depths, from the soil surface to a maximum depth of 80 cm, and the electrical conductivity of the soil saturation paste extract (ECe) was measured. The average electrical conductivity of irrigation water was 0.72 and 0.66 dS/m in 2019/2020 and 2021, respectively. The salinity varied over time, but without reaching values of concern. In salinity-sensitive crops (almond and citrus), there were occasional situations in which ECe presented values above the tolerance limit at certain depths. At the end of the monitoring period, the ECe values were very close or even lower than the initial ones. In addition to the quality of the Roxo water indicating an improvement compared to previous studies, the precipitation that occurred from 2019 to 2021 also contributed to the removal of salts that eventually accumulated in the rootzone of the soil profile.


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