Influence of ripening stages on physicochemical characteristics of acerola fruits
The current study aimed to evaluate the influence of six ripening stages on physicochemical characteristics of acerola fruits from cultivar Olivier. The fruits were obtained at Experimental Orchard of the Sao Paulo State University. The experimental design was completely randomized, with six ripening staged and four replications. The physicochemical characteristics evaluated were pH, soluble solids, titratable acidity, ratio, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), reducing sugars, total sugars, sucrose and colour. There was a decrease in the levels of ascorbic acid and total sugars at full ripeness. However, the levels of sucrose increased during ripening. With regards to the ascorbic acid, there were significant differences for all six maturity stages, by the time the peel colour was quite red, meaning its fully ripened stage, it presented 1675.67 mg/100 g of fresh weight, hence lower than fully green (3175.67 mg/100 g of fresh weight).