The couple’s expectations for the birth plan




birth plan, midwife, empowerment for health, expectation, decision making


Background: The birth plan (BP) is a reflexive and decision-making process of the expectant couple, exposed in a written document, allowing a better communication with health professionals and the women’s autonomy.

Objective: The present study, inserted in a larger investigation, aimed to describe the couple’s expectation about BP.

Methodology: A qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study. Participants were 10 couples who attended the Parenthood and Birth Preparation Program at a maternity in central Portugal. The data collection instrument was the semi-structured interview and data analysis performed using the Bardin content analysis method and the NVivo10 software.

Results: Half of the participants did not know the concept of the Birth Plan, but recognize the importance of discussing their preferences with a midwife for a positive childbirth experience.

Conclusion: This study allows innovation and improvement in safe care for women/ couples, in order to respond to their expectations and needs.



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How to Cite

Silva, T. M. de C., & Lopes, M. I. (2020). The couple’s expectations for the birth plan. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(2), 1–8.



Research Articles