Critical analysis of Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment
nursing theory, nursing research, models, nursing, nursingAbstract
Background: Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment has proven to be useful for nursing development, however, its use is limited, which highlights the need to critically analyze its contribution to the discipline.
Objective: To critically analyze Imogene King’s goal attainment theory, as proposed methodologically by Chinn and Kramer.
Main topics under analysis: An analysis was carried out according to the criteria for theoretical reflection proposed by Chinn and Kramer, which consists of two phases: 1) description of the theory, considering the purpose, concepts and definitions, relationships, structure, and assumptions; and 2) critical reflection, including clarity, simplicity, generality, accessibility, and importance.
Conclusion: The theory is clear, simple, generalizable, accessible, and important for professional practice. However, it has limitations in its scope with patients who are unable to interact, and it is not parsimonious due to the incorporation of many concepts. More empirical evidence is required to demonstrate its use in practice.
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