Family caregivers of people with dementia: Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Boundary Ambiguity Scale




bereavement, older adult, dementia, family caregiver


Background: Caring for people with dementia generates stress among family caregivers. One of these stressor events is ambiguous loss.

Objectives: To translate, adapt, and validate the Boundary Ambiguity Scale (BAS) into European Portuguese and assess its psychometric properties.

Methodology: Methodological study with a sample of 88 family caregivers of people with dementia. Internal consistency was assessed using McDonald’s omega coefficient (ω). Construct validity was assessed through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and criterion validity through the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS).

Results: The BAS showed excellent content validity. The EFA revealed a two-factor model, explaining 44% of variance, and a ω of 0.72. Family caregivers who live with people with dementia had greater ambiguous loss (t = 2.823, p < 0.01). A statistically significant moderate positive correlation was found between the BAS and the PSS (rs = 0.578, p < 0.01).

Conclusion: The BAS has acceptable validity and internal consistency for assessing ambiguous loss.


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How to Cite

Sousa, L. A. C., de Freitas, C. M. A. ., & Tavares, J. P. de A. (2023). Family caregivers of people with dementia: Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Boundary Ambiguity Scale. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(2, Supl. 1), 1–10.