Team Building as a Strategy for Retaining Health Professionals: A Descriptive Correlational Study




leadership, organizational culture, personnel turnover, health personnel


Background: There is a global shortage of healthcare professionals, making their retention urgently needed to ensure effective healthcare coverage. External turnover among healthcare professionals constitutes a significant challenge with potential consequences for organizations, patients, and professionals.

Objective: To verify whether participation in a team training program is associated with the turnover intention of healthcare professionals in a healthcare team.

Methodology: A quantitative exploratory study was carried out. Thirty-four healthcare professionals took part in a structured teambuilding program to explore its association with their turnover intention.

Results: An association was found between participation in the team training program and the turnover intention of healthcare professionals. According to participants, the escape room activity was perceived as the most influential, while monthly meetings contributed the least.

Conclusion: Healthcare professionals who participated in teambuilding activities reported a lower turnover intention.


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How to Cite

Galamba, S., Cerdeira, R. M., Vicente, C., Pinto, C., & Poeira, A. F. (2025). Team Building as a Strategy for Retaining Health Professionals: A Descriptive Correlational Study. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(4).



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