Ethics and humanization in hospitals

the managers’ perception


  • Amélia Rego Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Instituto de Bioética, Rua Diogo Botelho, 1327, 4169-005 Porto, Portugal
  • Beatriz Araújo Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CIIS-Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar de Ciências da Saúde, Porto, Portugal,
  • Daniel Serrão Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Instituto de Bioética, Rua Diogo Botelho, 1327, 4169-005 Porto, Portugal



Ethics, Humanization of Assistance, Health Care, Hospital Administration



Management should always be an enhancer of humanized clinical practice, this responsibility belongs to all health management professionals. The foundation of humanization lies in the holistic paradigm and equity in health. Within a frame of reference where health is considered as a primary value, it is necessarily projected in the humanization of care.


Identify the perception of managers and demonstrate the existence of humanizing values in health care in the hospital setting.


The investigation includes 421 health professionals at management levels and was conducted in 25 hospitals in the Northern Zone of Portugal. This is a descriptive exploratory study of quantitative approach and cross-sectional design, by applying the Questionnaire of Ethicity in Hospital Management.


The descriptive analysis of the data showed that the results are favorable to the existence of humanized health care in hospitals. Managers have a high concept of the Health Unit where they work, both related to the organization and operation (93.8%) as well as the quality and humanization of service. They consider that the Health Unit has quality (97.7%) and humanization in care (96.5%).


In the perception of managers, care is provided in a comprehensive and humanized way. It does not  depend  on the economic values of managing entities, it depends on each person involved in care.

Following on from this study, it would be appropriate to analyze the perspective of users of the hospitals under study and then compare it with the managers’ perspective.


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How to Cite

Rego, A., Araújo, B., & Serrão, D. (2016). Ethics and humanization in hospitals: the managers’ perception. Servir, 59(2), 25–30.