Pre-operative nursing visit

the importance of its implementation


  • Marta Alexandra Gomes Pires Unidade Hospitalar de Vila Real, Vila Real, Portugal
  • Amélia Rego Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Instituto de iências da Saúde, Porto, Portugal



Preoperative nursing visit, perioperative nurse, perioperative care, operative surgical procedures, anxiety, preoperative teaching


Nursing preoperative visit is the first step of the perioperative nursing care. It’s an activity undertaken by the peiroperative nurse, independently, being a very important moment of interaction with the patient/family, anticipating  its reception in the operation room, in a continuous and dynamic process, enabling the development of an aid relationship, and beneficial in the planning of nursing care. Studies conducted in hospitals where it is already implemented, have proven their effectiveness and improving the quality of care, with high levels of satisfaction for both the users and for nurses as it facilitates the development of an individualized care plan. Thus, a bibliographic research was carried out on the importance of the preoperative nursing visit, in order to know the objectives, principles and efficacy of preoperative education, as well as the way in which it can be implemented. Given the evidence of the importance of the preoperative nursing visit, both for the users and for the nurses, a proposal was made to implement the preoperative nursing visit in a hospital in the North area, with the aim of sensitizing employees to the importance of this project.


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How to Cite

Pires, M. A. G., & Rego, A. (2017). Pre-operative nursing visit: the importance of its implementation. Servir, 59(5-6), 54–59.


