The limits of ethical acting in nurse everyday life





Considering a progressive approach to the topic, we construct  a philosophical framework of the idea of limit. We situate  ethics and nursing ethics so as to approach it, then, deal with management of limits and awareness of the limits of the nurse’s acting.


We approach the issue in five steps. In the first, questioning about the limits addresses the semantic field, some theoretical perspectives and is summarized as what distinguishes the limits and the questionioning about limits made by some authors. Second, the triple formula of ethics, as Ricoeur formulate, to substantiate the ethical, ontological and existential perspectives of human limits. In the third, Nursing Ethics focuses on the foundation of the ethical dimension of praxis, centered on the human autonomy and dignity, their circumstance, associating responsibility and respect for the Other, care commitment, transpersonal process and intersubjective nurse action. In the fourth, Limits of ethical conduct, we present a set of elements, from the sense (or purpose) of autoregulation and professional actionshpae, includingpersonwillexpression, thelegalframework of deontological expression, the legis artis, the rules of the art and human care, in the transition to professional responsibility and recognizing the relationship with citizenship and human rights. In the fifth step, the awareness and management of limits on professional acting consider the diverse geographies and variable geometries of action territories, focusing on difficult choices and refusals, limits from the stakeholders and contexts, giving space to solicitude and dilemmas, a “moral measure”, to reflect on the management of limits (the issues of unreliability and lack, feelings of guilt, repentance and remorse, as well as the satisfaction and joy, Self-esteem).


Overall, we seek the limits of ethical conduct in nurse everyday life with the sense of bond between ethical, deontological, praxis of professional practice. That, by the  very  nature  of  the profession, close ties with anthropological and existential questions.


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How to Cite

Nunes, L. (2016). The limits of ethical acting in nurse everyday life. Servir, 59(2), 7–17.