Health promotion in nursing. An assay:

from the salutogenic model to the system model


  • Maria do Carmo Figueiredo Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Saúde
  • José Amendoeira Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Saúde



health promotion, nursing, systems model, salutogenic model, sense of coherence


Background: Nursing as a discipline and profession mobilizes scientific knowledge of Health Promotion in its area of intervention. This was highlighted in the Ottawa Charter in community practice, community participation on social and health policies. The scientific evidence emphasizes the approach of behavior change by the nurses and not the salutogenic approach. This article follows the doctoral thesis in nursing, in which emerged the proposal of using the systems model, integrating the
salutogenic model.

Objective: To propose a critical reflection around these models with contribution to the approach of Health Promotion in nursing.

Methodology: Essay with theoretical, reflective and argumentative exposition.

Results: With the contributions of the salutogenic model to the systems model, nursing has a guiding support for the formation and practice of Health Promotion, accompanying the person, in paradigm of transformation.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, M. do C., & Amendoeira, J. (2019). Health promotion in nursing. An assay:: from the salutogenic model to the system model. Servir, 60(1-2), 6–13.


