The spiritual dimension in the health care of the person in critical situation and his / her family
integrative review
nursing, care, spiritual dimension, critical patientAbstract
Theme: The spiritual dimension in health care to the person in critical situation and his family.
Aim: To synthesize existing knowledge about the spiritual dimension in the person in critical situation and his family.
Theoretical approach: The questions that involve spirituality / religiosity are always present in the human being. The spirituality of people in critical situations is little discussed in the available literature. Nursing care focuses on technical interventions.
Methodology: Interactive review of the literature made in October 2017 in the scientific database: B-on, following the methods proposed by Sousa, Silva and Carvalho (2010).
Results: A total of 13 articles were selected for comprehensive analysis that address spirituality as a fundamental component in the practice of care for promoting comfort and relief of suffering in critical condition.
Conclusion: The synthesis allows health professionals to act intentionally before the spiritual needs of the person in critical situation and his family, planning actions aimed at promoting well-being and meaning of life in their spiritual dimension.
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