Rehabilitation nursing integrated in the ECL
challenges beyond caring
Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing, Local Coordinating Team, RehabilitationAbstract
Introduction: Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing integrated in the ECL: Challenges beyond Caring
Objective/s: To highlight the role of the Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing (EEER) integrated in the Local Coordinating Team (ECL) of the NationalNetwork of Integrated Continuous Care (RNCCI).
Methods: Descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional study, using data in Excel, through the analysis of the number of referrals to RNCCI, for typology AverageDuration and Rehabilitation Unit (UMDR) and Convalescence Unit (UC), in 2019, which were canceled or the proposed typology was changed, after amultidisciplinary evaluation with the presence of the EEER.
Results: Of 293 users evaluated for UMDR, 14 cases had the proposed typologies changed and 6 were canceled after evaluation for not considering meeting criteria / potential, in terms of rehabilitation, to integrate the proposed typology. Of 272 users evaluated for UC, in 4 the typologies proposed were changed after evaluation.
Conclusion: At RNCCI, ECL monitor and evaluate the Network at the local level. The EEER has a fundamental role at the evaluation level, contributing for the user integration in the most accurate typology, for a more adequate management of the user’s path in the RNCCI and the beginning of the multidisciplinary intervention, as soon as possible.
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