Transfers of the person in critical condition, accompanied by a nurse


  • Cláudia Oliveira Centro Hospitalar do Baixo Vouga
  • António Madureira Dias Health School of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal. Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA:E)



Urgent inter-hospital transfers, Nurse, Critical ill person


Introduction: In their daily professional practice, nurses are faced with the need to perform the inter-hospital transport of critically ill patients, who must be prepared to ensure the patient’s safety during all phases of transport and provide quality care.

Objective: To find strategies to implement urgent inter-hospital transfers of critically ill patients with the assistance of a nurse.

Methods: Quantitative, descriptive and correlational cross-sectional study that uses a sample consisting of 421 nurses. The data-gathering survey was drafted by Oliveira e Dias ad hoc.

Results: The results reveal that in their professional practice 69,1% of nurses have carried out urgent inter-hospital transfers, 58,1% mention that not all the nurses within the same team carry out transfers, 43,9% mention that healthcare provision isn’t always assured by a minimum number of nurses. To 80% of nurses, inter-hospital transfers aren’t put into practice by specific hospital teams created specifically for this purpose. 76,7% of all nurses feel the need to undergo specialised training in the area of inter-hospital transfers of critically ill patients. There have also been suggestions regarding the improvement of the execution of urgent inter-hospital transfers.

Conclusion: It has been possible to assert that human resources could be managed more accurately and that the quality and safety with which transfers are being made may be compromised. It is recommended to create inter-hospital transfer teams.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, C., & Dias, A. M. . (2022). Transfers of the person in critical condition, accompanied by a nurse . Servir, 2(02), e27159.


