Flow characterization intra-hospital medical emergency team activation
In-hospital emergency team, activation flowAbstract
Introduction: In-hospital emergency teams have as their main objective the approach to situations of acute deterioration of the general condition of the patient’s.
Objective: Knowing the contexts of the activation flow path, from the initial process to the patient’s destination, in a northern local health unit.
Methods: Quantitative, exploratory, cross-sectional, descriptive study, based on the analysis of the flow of activations. The sample consists of 78 activation events, that is, we access the data set inserted in the document, after this number of patient mobilization.
Results: The sample is mostly made up of female patient (56.4%), with an average age of 70.85 years. The service that most activated the inhospital medical emergency team was internal medicine (26.9%), with cardiorespiratory arrest being the most frequent reason for activation (28.2%). The main destination of patient was the emergency department (26.2%) and the emergency room (23.1%).
Conclusion: The most prevalent cause for activation of the in-hospital medical emergency team is cardiac arrest. The internal medicine service was responsible for most of the activations. Patient with greater clinical deterioration were referred to the emergency department and emergency room.
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