University campuses in Portugal: transformations and disputes between 1988 and 2015




This article analyses the Portuguese universities field between 1988 and 2015, laying its foundations on the discourses of 18 current and former deans and leading students and in the social, economic and political changes in that period. At first, we will describe those that, according to social agents, constitute the ten main transformations of the university institutions. Then, we will examine the main points of contention raised by these transformations. Lastly, departing from these transformations and points of contention, we analyze the University as a field, this is, as a relation subset of social space, structured through the positions and dispositions, where the agents struggle for the possession of specific type of capital and that has a relative autonomy in relation to the political and economic power.

Author Biography

João Mineiro, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) e Centro de Estudos em Socioogia Económica e das Organizações (SOCIUS-ISEG)

Sociólogo e investigador. Licenciado e Mestre em Sociologia pelo Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), encontra-se neste momento a desenvolver um Doutoramento em Antropologia pela mesma instituição. É bolseiro de investigação científica no Centro de Investigação em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações (SOCIUS/ISEG) no âmbito de um projeto sobre o funcionamento do Estado.




