Evolution of international asymmetries in the production of scientific and technological knowledge

Analysis focusing on the trajectories of Brazil and Portugal





convergence, scientific publications, technology, patents


This article analyses the growth of scientific and technological activities worldwide, attempting to assess whether there are “convergence” or “divergence” scenarios in the international distribution of knowledge in science and technology between 1996 and 2018. It is within this framework that the cases of Brazil and Portugal are considered. We conclude that despite there is a decrease in the relative international divergence both for scientific publication and new technology production, absolute distance between countries has increased. In relation to Brazil and Portugal, although it appears that each country followed a distinct trajectory, both present a higher dynamic in the production of scientific knowledge comparatively to technological knowledge.


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How to Cite

Mira Godinho, M. . (2023). Evolution of international asymmetries in the production of scientific and technological knowledge: Analysis focusing on the trajectories of Brazil and Portugal. Análise Social, 58(248), 562–589. https://doi.org/10.31447/AS00032573.2023248.06