About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Journal of the Portuguese Society of Anesthesiology /Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa deAnestesiologia (RSPA), founded in 1985, is the official Journal of thePortuguese Society of Anesthesiology (Sociedade Portuguesa de Anestesiologia).The RSPA aims to inform and serve the needs of its multiple stakeholders(authors; reviewers; readers; subscribers; sponsors) and improve the scientificand professional quality of the Anesthesiologists. RSPA publishes original work of high scientific quality in all branches of Anesthesia and Resuscitation, PerioperativeCare, Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine and Pain Medicine, including theapplication of basic sciences, clinical practice, equipment and training. Thejournal also publishes work in other areas, such as medical education,bioethics, medical ethics and history of anesthesiology. RSPA publishes original articles, continuing medical education, commissionedreviews by an authority consensus, casereports, letters, editorials, perspectives and Images on Anesthesiology.Submitted manuscripts are subject to peer review toensure that the journal only contains papers of the highest standard.Published online since 2006, this peer-reviewed quarterly publication isthe official journal owned by the Portuguese Society of Anesthesiology(Sociedade Portuguesa de Anestesiologia) and has Dr. António Augusto Martins asan editor since 2012. Freely available online forimmediate worldwide open access to the full text of articles at http://www.spanestesiologia.pt/ and/or http://revistas.rcaap.pt/anestesiologia.Abstracting and IndexingThe journal is covered bythe following services: - IndexRMP - Index das Revistas Médicas Portuguesas- RCAAP - Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto emPortugal Reasons to Publish with Journal of the Portuguese Society ofAnesthesiology / Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Anestesiologia (RSPA:- Oficial journal of the PortugueseSociety of Anesthesiology (Sociedade Portuguesa de Anestesiologia)- Open Access - Peer-reviewed publication- Average time to first decision 10 days- Indexed by RCAAP- Frequent editorials to highlight important papers - No page charges - Articles published in English and/or Portuguese Advertising DisclaimerAlthough paid advertisements may appear in RSPA in print, online, thePortuguese Society of Anesthesiology (SPA) does not endorse the advertisedproduct, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement.The editorial decisions of RSPA are taken separately from - andnot influenced by - advertising or any related revenue. The publication of anarticle about a product, alongside with an advertisement of the product, if itoccurs, is purely co-incidental.
Peer Review Process
RSPA follows a rigorous single-blind peer review. RSPA will send manuscripts to outside reviewers selected from an extensivedatabase.The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originalityof the research and its significance to our readership. Except where otherwisestated, manuscripts are single-blind peer review by two anonymous reviewers andthe Editor. Final acceptance or rejection rests with the Editor-in-Chief, whoreserves the right to refuse any material for publication.Manuscripts should be written so that they are intelligible to theprofessional reader who is not a specialist in the particular field. Theyshould be written in a clear, concise, direct style. Where contributions arejudged as acceptable for publication on the basis of content, the Editor andthe Publisher reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguityand repetition and improve communication between author and reader. Ifextensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to theauthor for revision.Allmanuscripts are reviewed by the chief editor that can refuse at this stage,without recourse to the opinion of the reviewers.Allmanuscripts that do not comply with the instructions for authors can be returnedfor modification before being reviewed by the scientific advisors. Finalacceptance is the responsibility of the Editor.Lettersto the Editor or Editorials will be evaluated by the Editorial Board, but alsomay be requested an external review. Without peer review will be postedmessages from the President of the Portuguese Society of Anesthesiologists(SPA), abstracts of posters / communications accepted for presentation atscientific meetings organized by the SPA, as well as official documents of thesociety.In theevaluation, the articles can be:a)Accepted without changesb)Accepted after modifications suggested by scientific advisorsc)RejectedUpon receipt of themanuscript, the editor-in-chief sends it to two reviewers if the manuscript isin accordance with the instructions to authors and meets the editorial policy.Within four weeks, thereviewer should respond to the chief editor indicating their comments on themanuscript subject to revision, and suggestion regarding acceptance, revisionor rejection of the work. Within 10 days the Editorial Board will make adecision which may be: accepting the manuscript without modifications; sendingreviewers' comments to authors; proceeding in accordance with the stated;rejection.Whenchanges are proposed, Authors have 15 days (this period may be extended afterrequest from the authors) to submit a new revised version of the manuscript,incorporating the comments of the reviewers and those of the editorial board, answeringto all the questions and sending a revised version of the article, with theamendments inserted highlighted with a different color.Theeditor- in- Chief has 10 days to make the decision on the new version: rejector accept the new version, or refer it to a new appreciation for one or morereviewers.In caseof acceptance, in any of the previous phases, the same will be communicated tothe Corresponding Author. In theauthors proof revision phase, substantive changes to manuscript will not beaccepted. The inclusion of these changes can motivate the rejection of themanuscript by decision of the Editor-in-Chief.In allcases the opinions of the reviewers will be fully communicated to authorswithin 6-8 weeks from the date of receipt of the manuscript.
Publication Frequency
Open Access Policy
Freely available online for immediateworldwide open access to the full text of articles at http://www.spanestesiologia.pt/ and/or http://revistas.rcaap.pt/anestesiologia.
Deposit Policy
After publication in RSPA, authors are authorized to make their articles available in the repositories of their home institutions, provided that they always mention where they were published.
Portuguese Society of Anesthesiology
Journal History
The Journal of the Portuguese Society of Anesthesiology /Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Anestesiologia (RSPA), founded in1985;published online since 2006 and has Dr. António Augusto Martins as an editor since 2012.
Digital Preservation
All journal contents are preserved through the PKP PN service.