Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Submitted manuscripts are subject to peer review toensure that the journal only contains papers of the highest standard.Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript,and should not be submitted by anyone on their behalf. The submitting author (correspondingauthor) takes responsibility for the article during submission and peer review.
- Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word. Themanuscript cannot be submitted in PDF format.
- Manuscriptsmust be double-spaced. Fonts should be 12 point, Times New Roman. Marginsshould be at least 2.5 cm all around in Microsoft Word. If a manuscript isformatted for A4 paper, leave at least a 5 cm (2 inch) margin at the bottom ofthe page. Number pages consecutively beginning with the Title Page.Transcriptionof images, tables or graphics from other publications must have the permissionof the respective copyright holders, in accordance with the rules governingcopyright.
- All manuscripts submitted to RSPA should be prepared in accordance with our instructions to the authors. Articles that are not submitted in accordance with our instructions and guidelines are more likely to be rejected.
- When the article is accepted for publicationis mandatory the submission of a scanned document, signed by all authors, withthe sharing of copyright between authors and RSPA.
- All investigations involving human beings must have been previously approved by ethics committees of the institutions to which the authors belong and have been developed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association ( The declaration regarding institutional approval and consent must appear in the Material and Methods section.
Editorials are normally commissioned andrelate to original research papers. The word count should be up to 1500 wordsand 15 references.Word count: up to 1500Structured abstract: not requiredTables/Figures: up to 1References: up to 15Original Article
Originalresearch paper should include the following sections: Introduction (includinggoals), Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions,Acknowledgements (if applicable), References, Tables and Figures.
TheOriginal Article should not exceed 4 0000 words, excluding references andillustrations. The text must be accompanied with illustrations, with a maximumof 6 figures / tables and 40 references.Word count: up to 4 000Structured abstract: Yes, up to 250 wordsTables/Figures: up to 6References: up to 40
This is an unstructured section allowingcontributors to highlight issues for debate. These could be in any relevantsubject area. These articles will be commissioned but we are happy to considerunsolicited articles submitted via submission online. Please aim for 2 000words and up to 10 references. Word count: up to 2 000Structured abstract: not requiredTables/Figures: up to2References: up to 10Continuing Medical Education Article
Are articles on topics of great scientificinterest, with the aim of updating. The text should not exceed 3 500 words,excluding references and illustrations. It must have at least 30 recent references,being allowed a maximum of 10 illustrations. At the end of the text a test withquestions to review what you learned should be included. Wordcount: up to 3 500StructuredAbstract: Yes, up to 400 wordsTables /Figures: up to 10References:30Systematic Reviews
SystematicReviews can be presented in the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussionformat. The subject must be clearly defined. The objective of a systematicreview should be to produce an evidence-based conclusion. The Methods shouldgive a clear indication of the literature search strategy, data extraction,grading of evidence and analysis. Systematic Reviews should not normally exceed6 000 words and up to 100 references.It is stronglyrecommended that the PRISMA statement ( used. PRISMA stands for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews andMeta-Analyses. The aim of the PRISMA Statement is to help authors improve thereporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Should be up to 6 000 words, a maximum of sixfigures and 100 references.Word count: up to 6 000Structured abstract: Yes, up to 400 wordsTables/Figures: up to 10References: up to 100Narrative Reviews
Review Articles are comprehensive papers thatsynthesize older ideas and suggest new ones. They cover broad areas. They maybe clinical, investigational, or basic science in nature.Although usually commissioned, we dooccasionally accept unsolicited review articles on important and topicalsubjects with a particular focus on recent advances. Before submitting areview, we ask that you send the editors a brief outline (no more than 500words) indicating the importance and novelty of the subject, and why you arequalified to write it. These will be peer reviewed. An invitation to submitwill in no way guarantee acceptance. Reviews should not normally exceed 6 000words. Word count: up to 6 000Structured abstract: Yes, up to 400 wordsTables/Figures: up to 10References: up to 100Consensus
In general, published statements intended toguide clinical care (e.g., Guidelines, Practice Parameters, Recommendations,Consensus Statements and Position Papers) should describe:- The clinical problem tobe addressed- The mechanism by whichthe statement was generated- A review of the evidencefor the statement (if available), and- The statement on practiceitselfTo minimize confusion and to enhancetransparency, such statements should begin with the following bulleted phrases,followed by brief comments addressing each phrase:What other guideline statements are availableon this topic?Why was this guideline developed?How does this statement differ from existingguidelines?Why does this statement differ from existingguidelines?Word count: up to 8 000Structured abstract: not required, up to 350 wordsTables/Figures: up to 5References: up to 100Case Report
The RSPA welcomes case reports thatillustrate new approaches to established clinical problems or describing a newproblem. To be of value appropriate for publication a case report must providea significant learning point for other anesthetists. As a simple rule, justbecause a case is clinically challenging does not mean that it is appropriateto publish as a case report. Case reports should includethe following sections: Introduction (including goals), Case report, Discussionand References.Should be up to 2 000 words, a maximum of sixfigures and 15 references. We recommend an author limit of 4, but we canconsider more if authors can show significant contributions and/or givecompelling or specific reasons. Word count: up to 2 000Structured abstract: not required, up to 150 wordsTables/Figures: up to 6References: up to 15Letter to the Editor
Letters to Editors should be objective and constructive. Shouldconstitute a reasoned comment to an article previously published in thejournal, sent no more than three months after publication of the original text,or a note on a topic of general interest to anesthesiologists. Should be brief(250-800 words) and can contain up to two illustrations and have a maximum of 7references. The answer (s) (s) of author (s) must contain the same features. Word count: up to 800Structured abstract: not requiredTables/Figures: up to 2References: up to 7Image in Anesthesiology
These succinct submissions couple aninteresting, novel, or highly educational image with text designed to highlightthe pertinent anesthesiology-focused information displayed by the visual.Supplemental video content can be included to expand the visual learning.Our Images in Anesthesiology section consistsof a case report of 200 words, a few learning points, a maximum of two figures,and two references. We recommend an author limit of 3, but we can consider moreif authors can show significant contributions and/or give compelling orspecific reasons. We do ask that authors indicate that they have obtainedpatient consent.Word count: up to 200Structured abstract: not requiredTables/Figures: up to 5Video: up to 2References: up to 5Errata
Errata e Retrações
Publica alterações, emendas ou retrações a um artigo anteriormente publicado. Após publicação, outras alterações só podem ser feitas na forma de uma errata.
Fornecer informações consideradas relevantes para os leitores da revista.Resumos de Congresso
Inserção de resumos, revistos por pares, em âmbito de Congresso patrocinado ou em colaboração com a SPA.Copyright Notice
When the article is accepted for publication is mandatory the submission of a scanned document, signed by all authors, with the sharing of copyright between authors and RSPA. Send with manuscript to The Editor:
Editor of the Journal of the Portuguese Society of Anesthesiology, The Author certifies / The Authors certify that the manuscript entitled: _____________________________________________(ref RSPA______) is original, all data being based on their own research andthat the manuscript does not violate copyright or privacy regulations. They further state that the manuscript hasn’t been partly or totally published or submitted to publication elsewhere. All authors declare that they participated in the work, are responsible for it and that there is not, in any part of the Authors'conflict of interest in the claims made in the work. Authors, submitting thework for publication, share with RSPA all rights to the copyright interests ofthe article.
All authors must sign
Name (capitalization):_____________________________________
Articles are freely available to be read, downloaded and shared from the time of publication.
The RSPA reserves the right to commercialize the article as an integral part of the journal (in the preparation of reprints, for example). The author should accompany the submission letter with a declaration of copyright transfer for commercial purposes.
Articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC BY-NC).
After publication in RSPA, authors are allowed to make their articles available in repositories of their home institutions, as long as they always mention where they were published.
Privacy Statement
Authorsmust omit from their text tables,figures, and supplemental data any identifying details regarding patients andstudy participants, including names, initials, date of birth, Social Securitynumbers, dates, or medical record numbers. If there is a possibility that apatient may be identified in a text, tables, figures, or video, authors mustobtain written informed permission from the patient, guardian, or next of kin. Copiesof the permission must be provided to RSPA priorfor publication.