Notes on the history of Portuguese anesthesiology: Pain consultation in Anesthesiology Department of Portuguese Oncologic Institute Francisco Gentil, Lisbon


  • José Manuel Caseiro Anesthesiology Department - Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Centro de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Jorge Tavares Anesthesiology Department. Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto. Centro Hospitalar S. João, E.P.E., Porto, Portugal.



The first pain treatment clinic was created at the Portuguese Oncologic Institute in Lisbon on 1978, July 24th for development of the therapeutic, diagnostic and research activities of the respective Departments of Anesthesiology and Neurology. José Luis Portela, an anaesthesiologist consultant, was appointed responsible for pain activities at the Department of Anesthesiology. This was the first pain treatment facility created in an oncologic hospital in Portugal, soon followed by many others in other oncologic and non-oncologic hospitals.


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How to Cite

Caseiro, J. M., & Tavares, J. (2014). Notes on the history of Portuguese anesthesiology: Pain consultation in Anesthesiology Department of Portuguese Oncologic Institute Francisco Gentil, Lisbon. Journal of the Portuguese Society of Anesthesiology, 22(1), 28–29.


