Immigration, cultural heritage and social cohesion in a context of superdiversity
Case study of a participatory approach in Arroios
superdiversity, interculturalism, social cohesion, participatory methodsAbstract
In recent decades, new concepts have sought to make sense in increasing migratory flows and in the diversification of incorporation models for migrant populations. Changes in travel and communication have had an impact on mobility and the way people stay connected and plan their lives as migrants. As a consequence, diversity has become a central feature of urban environments. This article is a result of a pilot study on local participation and cultural heritage in a Lisbon neighbourhood. Focusing on the development of a participative tool created with migrants and focus group with stakeholders we outline the determinant structural characteristic that migrants recognise in their everyday life as places of identification, regarding the city they live in. The main objective is to determine the relation between strategic areas of intervention, in order to boost social cohesion and cosmopolitanism in a context of superdiversity.
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