International migration of women and the global care market
A study about Filipinas in São Paulo, Brazil
migration of women, global care market, international division of reproductive labor, Philippines, São PauloAbstract
In this work we approach the insertion of Philippine women into care work maket in the city of São Paulo through the concept of “international division of reproductive work” – a transfer, in theree levels, of reproductive work among women in countries of origin and destiny of migration – (Parreñas, 2015). Especifically we search a deepening of the theme of paid domestic work performed by Filipinas in São Paulo, making an effort to include it in the brazilian context and in the globalization of female workforce for the provision of care, in order to unveil some of the constitutives social relations that condition this specif migration of women in the Philippines and structure the place occupied by the Filipina migrant in Brazil. This work was accomplished through literature and documental review, non participant observation, and semi-structured interviews. First, we we explored authours who analyze the context of origin of migration – the Philippines -, the conformations of reproductive work and the global care market. Moreover, we used quantitative data made available by the Filipino administrative bureaus of statistics (Philippine Statistics Authority) and of overseas work contracts (Philippine Overseas Employment Administration). Field trips were made at meeting places of one community of Filipino migrants, where we obtained contacts for the interviews, since we aimed to understand how these social processes were dealt with and the meanings attributed by the subjects of the migration. Finally, we did interviews with Filipina migrants in São Paulo who have had experience with domestic work in Brazil. Our work hypothesis was that the cultural capital owned by the Filipina migrants made possible their mobility and their insertion at the residencies of a fraction of high medium class in São Paulo
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