Towards the Slow City movement
Collective public planning in the sustainability of a Brazilian small municipality
public planning, slow city, sustainability, local development, Rio Doce, BrazilAbstract
Based on the assumption that the Slow City movement represents an alternative in the mitigation of contemporary socio-environmental problems, this study approaches the management of the territory in a shared way as a promising proposal for sustainability. The objective is to analyze the planning process for the mobilization of the different social actors in a Brazilian small municipality for the purposes of qualifying it in the Slow City philosophy. In this way, a socially constructed planning approach with an impact on local governance. In this case, the notions of public planning, sustainability and Slow City are reviewed and a case study was applied. Through action research, data collection procedures involved field observations, interviews, in addition to thematic analysis. As main results, the role of institutions, technicians, the scientific community and the population in transformation is highlighted in a collective effort in the articulation of public planning inspired by the Situational Strategic Planning (SSP) method. It was concluded that the use of this method expanded the possibilities of the municipality in planning its actions in order to specialize as a Slow City. It also made it possible for citizens to be more involved, especially with regard to the collection of information necessary for the elaboration of diagnoses and in proposing future actions and commitments to be assumed by the city, such as the issue of sustainability and the resolution of severe environmental problems that haunt the surroundings of the local community.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Brendow de Oliveira Fraga, Magnus Emmendoerfer, Vânia Natércia Gonçalves Costa, Alcielis de Paula Neto, Alessandro Carlos da Silva Júnior

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