The Paintings on Mies Van der Rohe’ Collages
architecture, art, Mies, collage, painting, sculptureAbstract
A lot has been written about the architectural production of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, German architect naturalized American who built some of the most relevant pieces of architecture of the 20th century. Mies produced an extensive amount of collages, archived today in the MoMA - Museum of Modern Art in New York, that unveil an accurate aesthetic of architectural representation. The principal investigation about this set of collages of Mies can be found in the book Montage Collage of Andreas F. Beitin, Wolf Eiermann e Brigitte Franzen, that constituted the catalogue of the exhibition Mies van der Rohe: The collages of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, presented on October 28 of 2016, in the Ludwig Fórum in Aachen, Germany. In time, they all made an undeniable contribution to start a debate on this subject. However, in this article we focus on a crucial element of the composition that has not been sufficiently studied: the works of Art.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Gomes, Mariana Veríssimo, Alexandra Casimiro, Carlota Morais
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