Challenges of intervening in spaces of heritage and landscape value
Designing and building in Minde, Portugal
landscape, heritage, architecture, teaching architecture, MindeAbstract
This article explores how built and landscape heritage can be approached when teaching architecture, by exploring the relationship with the communities through projects that intervene directly in the territory, creating constructive and material solutions that establish points of dialogue with the identity of the places. The article focuses in particular on the conception and materialization of a temporary project for the Materiais Diversos festival, which took place in Minde, in September 2019. The choice of materials, construction solutions and the execution of the project reflect different relationships with the cultural and natural heritage of this region is evident. On the other hand, the system's flexibility and its capacity for new utilizations allow new relations with the territory. The article also intends to contribute to the debate on the importance of exploring the relationship between the territory and the local heritage when building structures for temporary events, in order to obtain results that, both from the point of view of the materials and their shape and function, contribute to local dynamics of territorial valorization.
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Copyright (c) 2021 João Quintela, Filipa Ramalhete

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