Return, not return or movement between places?
Different migratory practices and their impacts on the present and future of a place of departure (Montesinho village)
migratory practices, (im)mobilities, return migration, internal migrations, translocalismAbstract
The decision between carrying out a definitive return migration or not, the option for circulation, or the impossibility of choosing will be discussed in this article, which proposes a typology of practices and trajectories to rethink about the migrants' residential strategies and multilocal mobilities among different places in one or more countries. Migration trajectories initiated between the decades of 19(60) and 19(70) were examined and was tried to identify some of the factors that influenced the different choices, and which weighed more in the decision to return, stay or circulate among different places. The typology formulated from a specific context, the place of departure and the multiple connections between this place and other places in Portugal and Europe made it possible to indicate and question some of the causes that will have determined a greater or lesser rigidity/fluidity of migratory practices. These migration cycle which provoked a strong impact in the past, present and future of the territories, that saw the departure of a great part of population will be analysed departing from the (im)mobilities from one place, Montesinho village, which could constitute a study case to think about possible policies which could contribute to the development of these regions, profits of the emigrants investment in departure places and attract people to these same territories. The pandemy and climatic changes provoked by global warming give more centrality to the gestion of these territories and with this article we hope to help to the urgent reflection and action.
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