Maria José Abrunhosa de Castro (1949-1999): architecture, planning, politics, city and democratic controversy
women architects, Portugal, city, politics, democracy, Maria José Abrunhosa de CastroAbstract
Maria José Abrunhosa de Castro (1949-1999) is an undeniable figure in the history of the social housing programme SAAL-Norte, as of the history of the architecture of Guarda city. This article establishes itself as the first contribution to a more robust bibliographical research on the trajectory of this architect. Following an education enmeshed with the contestation of the Oporto student movement, at the end of the Estado Novo regime, SAAL-Norte was one of her first professional experiences. Afterwards, in the 1980s, in the Beira Interior Region, namely, the city of Guarda, she developed a broad line of work in urban management, on the production of architectural projects and zoning plans, as a municipal technician. In the following decade, she worked as an independent professional. Besides this, she detained a professional practice not alien to permanent public intervention, writing in scientific journals, participating in seminars and congresses, TV-shows and the Association of Portuguese Architects. Through bibliographic review, interviews and archival research, the primary goal of this article is to make visible her professional path. By analysing these documents and by focusing on her opinion articles published in regional and national newspapers, this paper examines how she detains a disciplinary discourse that concerns the specific contexts of its exercise. It is rooted in her comprehension that the city is not indissociable from politics and democracy. Furthermore, its discussion should be held by an involved, knowledgeable, and critical society.
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