Short-term rental, public policies and COVID-19 in Portugal

The cases of Lisbon and Porto


  • Fabiana Pavel CEGOT-UP – Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade do Porto
  • Patrícia Romeiro CEGOT-UP – Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade do Porto


short-term rental, urban tourism, Programa Renda Segura, Porto com Sentido, Lisbon, Porto


In the wake of the 2008 economic crisis, Portugal, and particularly the municipalities of Lisbon and Porto, have undertaken recovery strategies based on international promotion. In this way they aim to attract foreign tourists and capital, chiefly targeting the housing market. As a result, urban tourism has registered quick, ample growth, a trend also seen in investment into housing for short-term rental (STR). This has contributed to the touristification of central urban areas. The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated socio-economic crisis have highlighted the weaknesses and inequalities caused by this economic model. Starting from an analysis of the public housing policies directly related to tourism developed in Portugal over the last decade, it is our goal to analyse whether the pandemic context was regarded by public power as an opportunity to achieve greater equilibrium between Alojamento Local (Local Accommodation, a national legal figure for short-term rental) and long-term rental. We question particularly whether the programmes Renda Segura (Safe Rent) and Porto com Sentido (Porto with Sense), respectively launched by the Lisbon and the Porto City Councils, were able to trigger an effective change in the housing market. More specifically, we try to understand whether these programmes have increased the offer of housing to middle-income families – which, given the current housing market prices, struggle to find or maintain adequate housing – while at the same time providing support to Alojamento Local proprietors.

Author Biography

Fabiana Pavel, CEGOT-UP – Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade do Porto

Architect; PhD in Architecture, Urban Rehabilitation specialty, by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (FAUL); degree in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture of the Università degli Studi di Roma3 (Italy); Member of CIAUD and GESTUAL at FAUL; enrolled in the Order of Architects of Lisbon and Tagus Valley; Member of the coordination of Movimento Morar em Lisboa (MeL). Has several publications in Portugal and abroad. Main research interests: urban transformations due to mass tourism and gentrification processes; right to the housing and to the city; social movements; urban policies, their application, relationship with the socio-economic context, historical development and critical reading.


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