The immediate and long-term consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on education in Portugal

An empirical exploration



education, social inequalities, social reproduction, Covid-19 pandemic


The pandemic generated by Covid-19 had an impact in several areas, uncovering and intensifying social inequalities. This article analyses the influence of the pandemic in the reproduction of social inequalities in education, starting from the recognition of the cyclical effect that the school assumes in the reproduction of inequalities and bearing in mind the relationship between resources expressed through various types of capital and school performance.
The aim is thus to understand how the pandemic has enhanced the reproduction of inequalities, focusing on the Portuguese context and analysing the consequences in two prisms: immediate and long term. Knowing that inequalities can also be ascertained from a macro perspective, to the extent that the different inequalities are interconnected among themselves and that the lack of different capitals has an impact on several areas, in which education is included, which are the most penalized students? Which inequalities are more tangible?
The present research also uses as empirical grounding a database encompassing all students enrolled in the Portuguese public education system, in the school years 2018/19 and 2019/20, in order to explore the differences verified in the first year of the pandemic, the immediate consequences. Thus, the economic, social, school and territorial inequalities caused by the pandemic are analysed, as well as their different impacts on school results.


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