A regional resilience analysis for the Paranhana Valley/RS/Brazil
regional resilience, Vale do Paranhana/Brazil, structural economic crisis, indicator analysisAbstract
The objective of the article is to analyze the situation of the last twenty years in the region of Vale do Paranhana/Rio Grande do Sul, located in southern Brazil, and to verify if there is a process of regional resilience. The theoretical and empirical contribution of the work consists of analyzing a region with productive specialization in a peripheral country, since many existing studies are controlled in contexts different from those found in a territory with these characteristics. To conduct the study, it was decided to characterize the region in relation to several socioeconomic indicators, such as population evolution, GDP, employment, main accelerated activities and Human Development Index of the municipalities that comprise it, analyzing secondary statistical data from official databases. After analysis, we found that the region demonstrated resilience until 2014, perceptible through the analysis of the databases, and subsequent decline, quite significant in terms of formal jobs, establishments and GDP per capita, and then it became weakened. It is understood that the Vale do Paranhana region has possibilities to develop resources that make it resilient, despite the negative indicators presented. However, a more assertive understanding of the Paranhana Valley could also be obtained using primary data, which highlights the need for a mixed approach in the study of regional resilience.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alexandre Aloys Matte Junior, Dra. Gisele Spricigo, Dra. Janaína Ruffoni

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