Is homelessness a matter of choice?
An exploratory study held in Azores
homelessness, social and housing exclusion, Azores, free choiceAbstract
One of the critical issues in the public debate around homelessness is associated with the perception, widely held in Europe, that most people who remain homeless do so due to behavioural factors in the domain of free choice. It is argued that this fact, by imputing responsibility for the problem on the individual, constrains the debate as well social and political responses in this field. This article presents and discusses the results of an exploratory study focused on the Azores, based on the frame of participatory action research, including extensive and intensive methodologies. Firstly, we highlight some data regarding the count and socio-demographic characterization based on an online survey similar to the one adopted under the National Strategy for the Integration of People Experiencing Homelessness, referring to December 31st, 2020. Secondly, proposing a deepening of the European typology on homelessness and housing exclusion (ETHOS), we explore the meaning of being homeless based on six focus groups involving two actors whose perspective is considered relevant to understand this issue - people in this condition and professionals working with this target audience. Data were analysed considering the problem of free choice, identifying some of the crucial debates which may be conditioning societal choices. There is a growing trend in the phenomenon in which structural factors may be contributing to an increase in the number of people involved, as well as the severity of the situation faced in each of the domains discussed. It is also considered that the individualization of the problem contributes to the normalization of homelessness, and it is essential to recognize that it brings back to the spotlight the debate on collective definitions of citizenship.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lídia Fernandes, Paulo Fontes, Ana Costa, Joana Lages, Hélder Fernandes

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