Access to land within international agendas and plans: which opportunities to strengthen public policies?



land banks, land access, food and urban planning, Sustainable Development Goals 2030, Portugal


This article intends to strengthen access to land for agricultural production initiatives in Portugal by answering the following question: In the international context of sustainable development agendas and plans, what are the key themes for advocating an access to land public policy? We call for more visibility to the topic based on the international action and monitoring plans, as the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, and others developed by the FAO, RUAF and the Milan Pact, as an opportunity to raise awareness among political decision-makers regarding the need to consolidate and replicate land banks in the national territory and to include them in territorial planning.

Concerning the methodology, we identified and critically analysed the themes, targets and indicators that cover access to land in four selected action and monitoring plans. Land access targets and indicators were found in three of them, corresponding to the following themes: gender equality; socio-economic perspective; and food production.

We conclude by recommending guidelines for access to land based on the key themes of the agendas and plans analysed. We also propose incorporating these themes into territorial planning instruments in order to strengthen local food systems. Finally, it is suggested that access to land indicators should be more visible, through awareness campaigns and training for national and local governments, political and technical decision-makers, thus supporting the consolidation and replication of existing initiatives.

Author Biography

Cecília Delgado, Universidade Nova FCSH; CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais

Urban planner and architect, university professor, and researcher in Public Policy, in the articulation between Territorial Planning, Food Systems and Local Development. Currently, she is a researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT - Transitory Norm - [FCSH001730]) and CICS.NOVA, Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences of UNL affiliated.
As part of her research, she has been constructing a critical review of international food policies in collaboration with RUAF, the Resource Centre on Urban Agriculture and Food Systems.

At the national level she has collaborated with local governments and non-profit organizations. She is co-founder of the Food Sustainable Cities platform created in 2018, a national collective that brings together several actors and sectors of the national food system.
Her publications can be accessed here:


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Policy Brief