To hope in the educating city



educating city, citizen formation, urban education


Our understanding of the socio-educative process goes beyond the school and family, including dimensions as non-formal and informal. The interaction between these dimensions creates a complex net of education, having the city as the main scenario of pedagogical practices. The urban space provides a diversity of educational opportunities, fostering the development of citizens by social interaction, awareness of territory and reinforcement of belonging and collective identity. This research aims to analyze how the city acts as educating agent in citizen formation. By a multi-method approach, we seek to comprehend the relation between educational dimensions by exploring the potentialities and limitations of Monte Serrat and Campeche communities at Florianópolis. The case studies reveal the learning opportunities, highlighting the impact of the city in education. However, has been identified some challenges, as the lack of proper urban spaces to kids and teenagers, the socio-spatial segregation and the urge of stablish broad participation of community. The constitution of inclusive environments and the development of formal, non-formal and informal education emerge as essential for an effective educating city. Summarily, this research sheds light on the value of the city as educational agent, emphasizing the need of overcome challenges to promote a whole and inclusive education. The achievements reinforce the importance of actions that encourage participation of all community members, aiming the construction of genuine educating cities.


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